Speed, Precision, and Grip
Long Attack - Online Course
From Slow to Showstopper
...but Safe and Sound!
Your Dog crashes into the Helper?
We will teach you techniques and exercises to ensure your dog does not crash into the helper during long attacks. Our step-by-step guidance will help you create a safe and controlled approach, reducing the risk of accidents.
Your Dog cannot hold the Grip in the Long Attack?
Holding the grip is crucial for a successful long attack. You'll learn how to build and maintain a solid grip, preventing point deductions in competitions.
Your Dog is to slow in the Long Attack?
If your dog tends to be too slow in long attacks, our course will focus on methods to enhance their speed and agility. You'll discover training exercises designed to boost your dog's pace, making them more competitive in IGP dog sports.
Lifetime Access and Community
Enjoy unlimited, lifetime access to course materials and join a supportive online community of fellow dog enthusiasts. Share your progress, ask questions, and receive ongoing support, fostering a positive learning environment and lasting connections.