
Look at Zack vom Further Moor!

Follow his journey 
from 10 weeks to IGP I

A: 100 / B: 99 / C: 100

Do you want to know how we did that?
Everything is right in front of YOU!

It is not a typical online dog training course! This is the most complete online program not only for professional handlers but also for beginners who want to level up the training .

Click on the image for more information!

Have a look what you can expect from the Academy

Theory Example

Tracking Example

Protection Example

Free Training Tips videos from Tobias.
Sign Up NOW!

  • Weekly free videos
  • Tracking , Obedience & Protection
  • Theory Lesson
  • and more...



How can I become a member?

Just buy a "monthly membership" and you will get access to the entire academy.


How long is the membership and what is the price?

The membership is for 4 weeks and costs $60. If you stay with us for 12 months the price will drop to $20 per month. You can cancel your membership at anytime.


Many programs use pre-trained dogs. What about your Academy?

In our videos, you will see dogs doing exercises for the first time. You will see their progression through the program one step at a time. You will see all the struggles and mistakes as they happened in real life.


Is your program better for experienced trainers or those new to the sport?

Because it is a step by step program, anybody can use it. More experienced handlers may pick and choose exercises to focus. As far as newcomers to the sport, we advise following the program in its entirety without mixing with other systems. It helps avoid confusion. Once the handlers become more experienced, it will be easier to decide which path to take.

Cathrine Stenmoe - Place 5th in the World

Tobias’s training has helped me become National Champion twice and number 5 at WUSV. First time I was introduced to this way of training my dog was already a bit educated. But we had a lot of problems with communication. Tobias helped me to become a better handler and then also the Results came.


- Take what you like from the Academy!

- Add your own experinces!

- Skip what you don`t like!
...and you will end up with YOUR UNIQUE Training System!

Our promise to YOU:

- Clear und easy to follow steps!

- Working with green dogs!

- Over 112 courses!

- Around 1100 videos!

- Access to our Facebook group!

- Monthly cost only $60 ( it is worth every penny!)
- You can cancel anytime!