
Motorskills Reverse

Going backward or in reverse can be used in many exercises. For instance, Tracking. If the dog passes over the article – he can back…

Balance Ball Training

Iwan is about 3.5 months old. Balance ball is a great way to build motor skills. Anna usually lures the puppy onto the balance ball.…

Basic Obedience Out

We believe to start teaching out when the dog learns to want to have objects. By teaching out early does not mean you are ruining…

Foundation Basic Obedience Stay

Stay means that the dog remains in position until released. Anna lures Iwan into a sit. She reinforces for sitting – 00:36 sec. Anna begins…

Protection Helfertreiben

This Iwan’s first session of “Scare the Helper Away.” Tobias hides behind a blind and sneaks out when Iwan sees him. Iwan barks and Tobias…


Apport exercise consists of 3 parts: Grab and hold something calmly. Go out, grab it and bring it back. Present it to you. Anna will…

Cradle & Play Bite Pillow

Many handlers experience trouble with getting their dogs come back with the sleeve. We start working on it very early on to avoid conflict and…

Free Shaping

Any kind od of shaping is great to create confidence and resilience in the puppy. He will be not afraid to make mistakes and try…

Motor Skills – Eights

Another great motor skill exercise is what we call the 8s. The dog would circle each leg as you are walking. Anna begins by taking…

Article Indication

Our goal is to teach our dogs to indicate articles by having the dogs lying down with the articles between their legs. Our dogs stare…