Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

2.6 Change Focal Point Ball Under the Arm

2.6 Change Focal Point – Ball Under the Arm

We are now combining getting into Basic Position with the focal point of the ball under the arm so we could soon begin heeling.

  1. Place the dog at 45.
  2. Apply leash pressure.
  3. Once the dog is in Basic Position, release pressure.
  4. Mark and drop the ball as a reinforcer.

You can see the dog stops prematurely, and the handler continues holding the leash pressure until the dog gets into the correct position all the way – 00:58 sec.

As always, try not to create a behavior chain. Randomize your reinforcements – 01:54 sec.

In the beginning, we made it easy for the dog to focus on the ball. and our left arm was out. Considering recent developments in IPO, left arm must remain against the body while stationary – 02:55 sec.