Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Step 3.1 Introduce the PVC stick with Manual contact

You might say that what we are doing is a force fetch. We do not like that term because we have 100% of the dog’s cooperation. What differs is that we control 100% of the environment and potential outcome. This is the reason behind the process.

Begin your session with attention and chin rest.
Present the PVC stick and reinforce for just looking at it – 01:17 sec.

Apply gentle pressure on the corners of the dog’s mouth. When he opens it – quickly place the stick in but do not force the dog. It should be quick in and out – 01:40 sec. For now, we do not need any duration. This becomes a Manual Contact cue.

Please do not force your dog to hold it. Sometimes, go back to reinforcing for even looking at it


Could I use a wooden stick?
It is your choice although we recommend you use plastic because it is not very chew-friendly.