Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Step 3: Consequence for leaving the box

Step 3: Consequence for leaving the box

Once the dog learns the consequences of getting onto the box (reinforcement), it is time to show the consequence of getting off the box without permission.

In the beginning, you want to reinforce the dog for appropriate behavior multiple times. You can see Tobias holding the leash and walking slowly around the box while the puppy is remaining on the box. Tobias marks and reinforces for staying.

To provoke the puppy to get off the box, Tobias runs around a little bit, and, of course, the puppy’s chase instinct kicks in, and he gets off the box.

Tobias immediately marks with the negative marker and leads the puppy back to the box. The instance the puppy on the box, Tobias marks and reinforces.

There has to be a healthy ratio between reinforcing the dog for staying and provoking him to leave. If you are providing consequences for leaving all the time, without an opportunity to stay on the box, you can create insecurity about the exercise or even discourage the dog from working. A good ratio for a puppy at the beginning of the process is 4 times show a consequence for doing in 1 time consequence for not doing.

When leaving the dog back to the box, the leash pressure has to be a little stronger than negative reinforcement but does not have to be very harsh.

As long as communication is clear, the dog will always choose the behavior that gets him the most reinforcement and the least amount of discomfort.