Lack of control can lead to failure in the entire test, as your dog simply isn’t attentive, rendering all your dedicated hours of training futile. This course is designed to teach you effective methods for acquiring and maintaining control over your dog.

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Course Includes

  • 30 Lessons Available


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  1. I feel this course is a must for every handler & helper no matter the level. The walkthrough and attention to detail to create amazing control & harmony in protection with your dog is amazing! It is the essence of more than 20 years of hands on experience and success! Thanks for sharing this priceless information with the world Jany!

  2. This isn’t dog training. It’s pure art. Absolutely beautiful and so many little pieces of gold to take, consume, and attempt to create. Thank you for the motivation to be better.

  3. I thoroughly enjoy the Control course and have learned a great deal. Each time I re-watch it, I discover more details that I missed initially! There is so much insightful and valuable content here. To name just a few things I absolutely LOVE: (1) Having a variety of release methods is super awesome and beneficial. (2) The “two sleeve” method has helped my dog so much to overcome some “little frustrations” because now the sleeve remains nearby instead of always being returned directly to the assistant or helper. (3) The introduction of an informal command to have the dog “stay with me” so I can praise and admire him for his trophy is incredibly rewarding; and, actually, my dog now eagerly assumes this position because he loves this moment of admiration from mama so much. THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the work you put into this course!