Protection – Out

Protection - Out

We are looking for a fast and clean "out" without a conflict. We will cover both passive and active "out." The way to achieve this is by a gradual increase in drive as the dog learns how to give up the prey. Take your time and do not rush building this skill. Here is how......

We are looking for a fast and clean “out” without a conflict. We will cover both passive and active “out.” The way to achieve this is by a gradual increase in drive as the dog learns how to give up the prey. Take your time and do not rush building this skill. Here is how……

Before you begin working with an Out as a part of Protection, please test your dog and see if he Outs:

  • When you are playing with a ball.
  • When you are pulling on a ball attached to a rope.
  • When your dog runs freely with a ball.

If your dog cannot do any of the above, please improve it before starting Out in Protection.

As always, we increase the drive gradually:

  1. Start with a Handler and a ball.
  2. Add an Assistant with a ball.
  3. Add a Helper with a bite pillow.
  4. Add a Helper with a sleeve.

Different dogs benefit from different types of Out. If your dog is usually not vocal, it might be better to use a Passive Out. If your dog is outgoing and vocal – Active Out.

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Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons Available
  • 7 Topics


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  1. Hoi Tobias,
    Question about step 4(active out) Helper with sleeve.
    Why you help the dog by the out with popping the line in sted of continuos?
    I ask this because in step 1 and 2 there is a continuous line to help the dog