What is Expected?

The judge will designate the start position. The handler is not allowed in any way to excite, build up, or stage the dog prior to the start of the exercise. From the basic position, the handler goes straight ahead at a normal pace with his / her free heeling dog. At a minimum of ten (10) paces and not to exceed fifteen (15) paces, the Handler gives the command “voraus” / “go out”. The dog must run quickly in a straight line away from the handler for a distance of at least thirty (30) paces while the handler stands still. While giving the command “voraus” / “go out”, the handler may raise the arm smoothly and without undue influence upon the dog. The handler may not bend over while sending the dog, and the Handler’s hand must be above the dog’s withers. On the judge’s signal, the handler gives the verbal command “platz” / “down”. The dog must lie down immediately. The handler may keep his arm raised until the dog assumes the down position.
At the judge’s signal, the handler goes to the dog’s right side and, after a three (3) the second pause, or at the judge’s signal, commands the dog “sitz” / “sit” into the basic position. After the dog is picked up from the long down and goes to the end of the field while the other team is doing the “Send Away”, the dog can only lay down or sit beside the handler. The Handler must remain with the dog.

Synopsis: Basic position, 10-15 normal paces, “go out” command, minimum of thirty (30) normal paces, “down” command, basic position.

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  • 2 Topics


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