Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Step 2 Work on Prey Drive

Step 2 – Work on Prey Drive

The prey is between the Helper and the puppy. The puppy is slightly threatened and the moment he reacts towards the Helper, the Helper runs away and the puppy gets his prey.

Tobias likes working with big cloth balls. This way we do not need to worry about grips.

If the puppy does not react – you can use the whip gently just as an activation.

The most difficult thing for Helpers is to learn to react to the smallest actions of the dog. There is no reason to wait until he barks solidly in the face. Any forward action is good.

In the second section, the dog already has the prey in his mouth. We follow the same concept but the prey is to the side of the dog.

It is important for the Helper to have a very clear marker before he runs away. The dog needs to understand why. What is that he did make the bad guy go away.