Lesson 10 of 11
In Progress

Down under Distraction (BH)

There are 2 options: after checking in with the judge you might be sent directly to the Long Down designated area or you will heel there after completing the rest of your obedience routine.

You will heel to the designated area. Ask the dog to Sit and will remove the leash. You will wait for the judge. Once the judge gives permission, you will tell the dog “Down” and walk to your waiting area. Many clubs will indicate a separate area for bitches in heat.

The dog must be lying down calmly and attentive towards the Handler. Once the other team is done with their Obedience routine and after the judge’s permission, you will return to the Basic Position and ask the dog to Sit. After that you will attach the leash. The team calmly and under control leaves the field and goes to the critique area.