Lesson 6 of 24
In Progress

Ride in a Car and Trailer. It is All About Trust

Ride in a Car / Trailer – It is All About Trust

It is all about trust, and the puppy should feel completely comfortable to be in the car or trailer. In this video, we will share some tips about how to introduce the vehicle or trailer, also how to deal with the puppy when you are taking him in and out.

Of course, our dogs are a family first and competitive team members second. But because they are not just pets, they need to get used to long car trips that you might have to do for training or competitions. We advise starting training your puppy to be comfortable in a vehicle very early on.

Of course, little puppies cannot jump in and out of the car. Please lift them in and out until they are old enough and have enough body awareness and strength to do that by themselves.

As with crate training, we teach the puppy to wait and be calm before exiting the crate. It is unsafe for him to barge out of it. If the puppy tries to get out, the best way to explain to him what is expected is by closing the door. If he is calm – the door opens. If he is not – the door closes. He will understand that he is actually the one that is in control of the door. It is best not to push the puppy in physically because force creates counterforce.

Place food in the crate before you put the puppy there. When you refill, always put it on the floor of the crate

In the beginning, you can leave the puppy in the car and walk out of sight. Wait for a while, and if he is calm – come back and reinforce.

When taking the puppy out of the car, please teach him to wait for you or put on his collar and a leash. He cannot move forward until he is verbally released.

Watch Anna show the process with her puppy.

It is all about trust, and the puppy should feel completely comfortable to be in the car or trailer. In this video, we will share some tips about how to introduce the vehicle or trailer, also how to deal with the puppy when you are taking him in and out.