What is Expected at Trial in Phase C - Protection
Field Markings
Bite Quality Expectations
Sequence of Exercises3 Topics
Before Reporting to the Judge
Reporting to the Judge
Search for the Helper (Blinds)
Hold and Bark
Prevention of Attempted Escape (Short Escape)
Defense Against an Attack from the Guarding Phase (Re-Attack After Escape)
Back Transport
Attack out of Back Transport
Side Transport after Escape or Back Transport Attacks
Long Bite(Attack on the Dog out of Motion)
Defense (Re-Attack) after Long Attack
Side Transport after Long Bite or Re-Attack
Reporting Out
Prevention of Attempted Escape (Short Escape)
Prevention of Attempted Escape (Short Escape)
After you call your dog from Hold and Bark into the Basic Position, you will wait for the signal from the judge to proceed.
You will then ask the Helper to step out of the blind.
You will heel to the marked area (see picture below) and tell your dog DOWN. The dog should be right behind the line. Not on top or ahead of it. After the dog is in the DOWN position, you return to the bind. You do not have to go behind it. Just be right by it. The dog must pay attention to the Helper.
In IGP1 you can choose to heel with the dog on leash to the Escape position. The leash must be removed before the command DOWN is given. You may also choose off-leash heeling. In IGP2 and 3, everything is done off-leash.
The judge will give the Hepler a signal to begin the Escape. At the moment the Helper moves you must give the dog a release command ex. yes, ok, go. Most of the time, it is so quick, it looks like the command and the dog’s movement are at the same time.
The dog must without hesitation try to prevent the Helper from escaping. The attack should be powerful and the dog should be trying to stop the Helper’s movement.
Once the Helper comes to a stop, you will OUT the dog. The command must be given under 3 seconds from the lock-up.
After the OUT, the dog must go into the guarding phase. If the dog is doing a silent guard, he must look intense and actually guard the Helper. Guarding is 5 seconds.
Point Deductions:
- If the dog is placed on the line (not past the elbows) – 1 point.
- If the grip is not powerful, firm or full.
- If the dog is not trying to stop the Helper.
- If the dog vocalizes before the release.
- If the dog is not focused on the Helper.
- If the dog bumps the Helper (also called “being dirty”).
Termination – if the dog does not leave the Down position or the Helper is not caught before he reaches 20 paces. In general, a 20 pace location should be clearly marked.