Search for the Helper (Blinds)
IGP1 and 2- 5 points. IGP3 -10 points.
The layout of the field will be the same regardless of the level of competition. There will be always 6 blinds.
IGP1 – the Handler will send the dog directly to blind #6, where the Helper is located. The Handler will start in the center of the field even with the blind #6.
IGP2 – the Handler will start in the center of the field even with the blind #3. The dog will have to go around 2 blinds finishing in blind #6.
IGP 3 – the Handler will start in the center of the field even with the blind #1. The dog will have to go around 5 blinds finishing in blind #6.
The Handler will face downfield and will look at the judge. The starting place is usually marked. After the judge gives the green light, the Handler will reposition and face the first blind to which the dog will be sent.
The dog will be sent with a verbal command and signal with either the right or the left arm.
After or while going around the blind, the Handler calls the dog’s name and gives a verbal command to “Come,” then gives a verbal command to search and points to the next blind. This is just an example.

The dog will cross in front of the Handler on the way to the next blind as the Handler is walking down the field.

Once the dog reaches blind #6:
- No more commands or signals are allowed.
- The Handler will stop and wait for the judge’s permission to approach blind #6.
If the dog skips a blind, the Handler stops immediately the moment he reaches blind #6
These actions are considered faulty and will cost you points:
- If the dog barks during the search.
- Dog requires additional commands or signals.
- Dog circles the blind very wide.
- The dog acts on his own and not in the response to commands.
- The dog passes behind the Handler.
- If the Handler leaves the center line.
- The Handler does not move at a normal pace.
- The dog does not check inside the blinds.
You will receive zero points if the dog comes back into the Basic Position instead of searching. You can send him one more time.
If you have to give the dog 3rd command to search, Protection is terminated.