Our Step-by-Step program will guide you through all the exercises
in Tracking, Obedience, and Protection.

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your dog training journey, not knowing what the next step should be?

It took us over 4 years to prepare our Step-by-Step Program. You will be watching the
progression of Zack from the first exercises all through trial readiness.
We recorded day after day in the heat of summer and the cold of winter,
in the drizzle and high wind, and we do not regret even a day of it.

  • Do you have a working dog who is trained in many exercises, and you need just a few things to iron out?
  • We try to inspire students to evaluate their methods and success, as do we. There is never one way to train a dog.
  • You can benefit from observing how we break up exercises into manageable parts, how we progress from one step to another, how we use training tools, and obtain help from our friends and Assistants.

"This is the most comprehensive and easy to follow online programs I have been a part of. "

Michael Kennedy

PSA Trainer / USA

If you are new to the sport, it might be overwhelming to decide where to begin.
It is especially challenging if you have your first working dog.

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All Schutzhund | IGP phases are separated. Each section offers exercises necessary to master the sport. Navigation through lessons is very logical. You will also see how old Zack was when he started each step. This will give you additional guidance.


There are many ways to teach the same exercise. Sometimes we have to choose one that is best suited for the dog. It is always helpful to review all of them in case you need them in the future.


We all begin at the same place. No one is perfect, no handler nor any working dog. You will be able to relate to us through our challenges. You will witness our dogs grow and develop, just like yours.


Very frequently, we become excited about training. We begin moving through the program faster than the dog can. We share with you our training plans to help you balance your sessions. We offer quizzes to help you double-check if you are ready to go to the next step.


If for a while you follow someone’s footsteps, your journey is still unique.
You make your own path equipped with new knowledge and experience.


When possible, in our online dog training program, we encourage our students to practice basic protection exercises by themselves. We can teach our dogs to bark, to out, and even do short fly-throughs. Some of our students are very successful in working with their dogs.

Get started now!

Check out some videos from the Step by Step Program

Tracking Cross Tracks

Create More Drive in Obedience

Barking Developement 

Become a Member Now and You’ll Also Get

Access to our private Facebook Group

We support our students in Our Facebook group. We review their videos, answer questions and guide them through our Academy. They never feel alone.

Interactive Zoom Meetings

2 times a month we are hosting an interactive ZOOM meeting for all our students, where they can ask questions in real time. Meanwhile all the other participants are muted and can listen to the training tips from Anna and Tobias.

Facebook Live Events

Each time we are covering another topic from Tracking, Obedience and Protection Work. It is kind of a mini webinar where Anna and Tobias are sharing their experience. At the end of each Live Event there is an open discussion round.

There is no risk or obligation in the trial. Cancellation is very easy. Just remember to cancel by the end of day 5.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a member?

Just buy a "monthly membership" and you will get access to the entire academy.

How long is the membership and what is the price?

The membership is for 4 weeks and costs $60. If you stay with us for 12 months the price will drop to $20 per month. You can pause or cancel your membership at anytime.

Is your program better for experienced trainers or those new to the sport?

More experienced handlers may pick and choose exercises to focus. As far as newcomers to the sport, we advise following the program in its entirety without mixing with other systems. It helps avoid confusion. Once the handlers become more experienced, it will be easier to decide which path to take.

Many programs use pre-trained dogs. What about your Academy?

In our videos, you will see dogs doing exercises for the first time. You will see their progression through the program one step at a time. You will see all the struggles and mistakes as they happened in real life.

You don’t have to say “yes” today.

You don’t even have to send any money! Simply join now and try it absolutely free for 5 days. If you love it – and I’m sure you will – then do nothing and your account will be charged $60 for next month’s membership... and you’ll get uninterrupted access!