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What is Expected at Trial in Phase B - Obedience
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Sequence of Exercises3 Topics
Before Reporting to the Judge
Reporting to the Judge
Heeling7 Topics
Sit Out of Motion
Down with Recall
Stand Out of Motion
Retrieve on Flat
Retrieve over the 1 Meter Jump
Scaling Wall (A Frame)
Send out with Down
Down under Distraction
Reporting Out
Lesson 5,
Topic 5
In Progress
Left and Right Turns
Lesson Progress
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Left and Right Turns
There are 2 right turns and 1 left turn. Turns must not be performed as arches. They have to be as close to 90° as possible.
It is faulty:
- If the dog drops his head and disconnects from the Handler.
- If the dog bumps the Hander or crowds.
- If the dog forges or lags.
- If the dog does not complete the turn (the rear does not move 90° – the dog arches).