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What is Expected at Trial in Phase B - Obedience
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Sequence of Exercises3 Topics
Before Reporting to the Judge
Reporting to the Judge
Heeling7 Topics
Sit Out of Motion
Down with Recall
Stand Out of Motion
Retrieve on Flat
Retrieve over the 1 Meter Jump
Scaling Wall (A Frame)
Send out with Down
Down under Distraction
Reporting Out
Lesson 4 of 17
In Progress
Reporting to the Judge
Reporting to the Judge
In IGP 1 Handler reports in on a leash. After that, the leash is removed and the team proceeds to the assigned beginning of heeling. In IGP 2 and 3 both are done off-leash.
You will tell the judge your name, dog’s name, and the level you are reporting for. At this time, you may ask questions about what the judge is expecting.