Lesson 1 of 9
In Progress

Before Reporting to the Judge

Before Reporting to the Judge

  • One thing to consider is that at some trials there is quite a walk from your vehicle to the track area:
    • This is one of the reasons to teach your dog to walk with you calmly. We do not want to create excitement and want to put the dog in a relaxed state of mind.
    • Do not forget to give your dog water before you leave the car.
    • You can lose a lot of points if your dog relieves himself on the track. If possible teach him to urinate on command.
    • Once you arrive at the assigned area, it is possible that you might have to wait for the judge. Teach your dog to lie down and relax. You can also teach him a parking position which means that the dog does not have to do anything but is on deck for upcoming activities.